May 16 - 18 at Camp Shadow Pines

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Rally Re-Cap

Well PITS did it again! What a great Rally! This year we had more of almost everything. More attendance, more vendors, more profit, more PITS members in attendance, more volunteers, more fun! Every year I am involved in the rally, it is more fun and rewarding. (Don't get me wrong, I ain't doing this forever, but more on that later). Honestly, I have had some great times working on the rally, but this year was the best due to a number of things.

Our 3rd year at this location made things easier, we knew what to expect. Our survey of rally goers told us not to move, the location and amenities at Camp Shadow Pines is good. Thank You RJ Strayer for finding this great location and hammering out the original contract with the camp management. If I have learned anything this year, it was that we profit from our experiences and make the next ones better. The Board of Directors has benefited much from our previous rally experiences and the folks who made them happen. This year we were extremely fortunate to have a group of folks who worked well together and shared a common vision of what the rally should be. With the collective experiences of our predecessors, and the wisdom of the board we were able to put on one "heck of a rally". I am proud to say I was a small part of that.

There are so many Thank you's to go around that I am not sure where to begin and I'm afraid that I may forget someone or something. Thanks to Mark Meadows for his artistic and computer talents in designing our pins, shirts, advertising, entertainment, etc. I really relied heavily on Mark at times and he always came through. Clint Alston, Treasurer, was the man with the numbers and the printer. Clint provided the club with some serious printing from his personal industrial printer, which saved us lots of $. He did the color printing of rally flyers, club posters, etc. in addition to his normal duties as "Money Man". Clint purchased computer software to handle the registration information and provided a "minute by minute" detail of registration statistics and financial status. His expertise has helped us maintain a sound financial condition and provided us with a straightforward account of our finances.

Steve Denuit headed up our Hospitality table this year and made some recommendations to add snacks to our menu this year. We turned a good profit from our Hospitality efforts this year. Don Stanley, the stalwart soul, took charge of field events this year and provided some fun along with new member Doug Banfelder. Of course I better not forget our Secretary (my wife), Doreen who kept me on track and documented our efforts. We all dealt with soliciting door prizes and other misc. tasks. RJ provided the fantastic chili from the Carefree Conference Resort along with a door prize. Mike Fruciano provided the awards free of charge and Plaques to the 2 DPS Officers who graciously came up on Saturday. Herb LeGendre took care of making sure the coffee was on and spent a lot of time at the Hospitality table with Mike & Rhonda Lindsey. Clint Alston put on a great poker run again and also oversaw the Registration table that was run by Skipper Brown, Kelly Higginbotham, John Truttman, Russ Locke and others. Gary Miller was brave enough to loan me his truck to haul equipment to the rally and move stuff around the site. Clint also agreed to forego ride and drive his vehicle and trailer to get equipment to the rally.

There were others who helped out who I have not listed here, and I apologize to those who I have omitted. Most of all though, I wish to say, Thank You" to those who attended the rally. We hope you had a great time and will return again next year with a few more of your friends.

Michael Conner, President

Want to buy a CD of Rally photos? Go to www.waypointphotos.com 
A portion of the sale proceeds goes to PITS